
The Oregon Hikers Forum is a service of Trailkeepers of Oregon (TKO), a 501(c)(3) non-profit completely funded by donations. Your contributions help the Trailkeepers pay for ongoing maintenance and hosting costs, and we thank you for your continued support!

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Area Hiking Clubs:
The Mazamas
Trails Club of Oregon
The Chemeketans
The Adventure Group

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Friends of the Gorge
Sierra Club (Loowit)
Sierra Club (Columbia)

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Deschutes & Ochoco
Gifford Pinchot
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Welcome to Oregon Hikers

Welcome to the Oregon Hikers Forum, an online community dedicated to hiking and exploring the outdoors in Oregon and southwest Washington! With more than 7,000 registered members, you'll find new trip reports posted in our discussion forums daily. You can also explore our ever-growing Oregon Hikers Field Guide, with hundreds of trail descriptions, photos and maps to help you plan your adventures. The field guide is written by our forum members, and provided for the larger hiking community as a free service to promote hiking and our trail legacy. The forums and field guide can be browsed by anyone, but we do encourage you set up an account and join in the conversation. Thanks for stopping by!

Popular Trip Reports

This Video Reviews EACH of the Campsites @ Castle Rock Campground. The Lower Crooked National Wild & Scenic River is a extremely high quality River Canyon Wonderland Zone consisting of 9 Devel ...

This was a Day Hike, starting at Chimney Rock Trailhead (across the road from Chimney Rock Campground), operated by the BLM (Bureau of Land Management), going 2.8 Miles Roundtrip, about 500 FT Elev ...

This 4K Video captures ALL THE HIGHLIGHTS from The Cove Palisades State Park Entrance Sign all the way thru Monty Campground! Everything you may have wanted to know about it (and some things you d ...

Want to give back to the trails you love? Join a Trailkeepers of Oregon work party!

Trailkeepers of Oregon (TKO) hosts the Oregon Hikers Forum and Field Guide as a service to the larger hiking community, and in the interest of promoting hiking and advocacy for our trail legacy. You can learn more about TKO and how to take part in trail stewardship projects sponsored by TKO on our TKO website. We maintain, restore and build new trails throughout the state to help ensure a hiking tradition for generations to come. TKO is 100% volunteer-run, and we are always looking for individuals interested getting involved. Please contact TKO's stewardship coordinator at [email protected].